2014年10月9日 星期四

SPD4459 Yau Tsim Mong Must-Go Destination - The 2nd stop of Tsim Sha TsuiPart 1 Star Ferry Pier

SPD4459 油尖旺景點 - 尖沙咀第二站 (上) :天星碼頭

Have you been to 1881 Heritage last week? This time,  I am going to promote the attractions which are nearby. 
上個星期您有冇去1881 Heritage 呢!今次我會為大家介紹附近的其他景點。

Could you guess where am I now? Let take a look at the video first.
您能夠猜一下我現在的位置嗎? 先看看影片吧。

You may know  the answer is Tsim Sha Tsui  Star Ferry Pier

Are you clearly recognize the following Star Ferry

 How well do you know about Star Ferry Pier?

Star Ferry has total 3 ship routes. 天星小輪總共有3條航線。
1) From Tsim Sha Thui to Central(尖沙咀往中環)

2) From Tsim Sha Thui to Wan Chai (尖沙咀往灣仔)

3) Star Ferry’s Habour Tour (天星維港遊)

Actually, the facilities in Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry is quite good. If you feel hungry , you could buy some foods or drinks nearby the gateway such as  7-11, Appolo, Arome bakery while you get on the Star Ferry.
其實尖沙咀碼頭既設施都頗好。如果您肚子餓的時候,入口處附近亦設有7-11、 阿波羅、東海堂可以買些小食/飲料才乘坐天星小輪。
If you love act, there have some small stores in here and you may able to find something that surprise you. 
鐘意一些文間藝術的朋友們,都可以係碼頭附近的小商鋪 一下,可能有意外收獲呢!

If you afraid that seasickness, there are also some special place you could  visit , such as Visiting the former of Kowloon- Canton Railway terminus’ Clown town. As now it is  Hong Kong Clock Tower.
如果您怕會暈船的話, 這裡還有其他特別的地方可以去,例如觀賞前身是九廣鐵路舊尖沙咀火車站的鐘樓吧!

 The Clock Tower is 44meters high prevailed by a 7 meters lightning rod.

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The construction of Clock Town  is completely same as the past, remains red brick and granite. It is a rarely architecture that retain original features nearly about 100 years.
Or find good Observation Deck to appreciate the beautiful night views in  Victory Harbor.

Besides, don’t think the Star Ferry Pier is just a subordinate role of the site; in fact the Star Ferry is very important! If there are no exist of Star Ferry Pier, how can we perceive the situation of the ferry berthing? Initially how can us from a district linking to other district? While you slowed to a steady walk to look all around, you may discover many people are because of the frantic pace of modern life ignored the delight of life.

How many people will really stop at the pier to appreciate the street performances? Or even to appreciate an artist painting the creative work of portraits.  Just relax, Hong Konger!
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How do you go to Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier ?
  • Tsim Sha Tsui East MTR Station L6 Exit, go straight ahead Salisbury Road with 3 minute, you could arrive Star Ferry Pier
  • 尖沙咀東地鐵站L6 出口,一直向梳士巴道往前走行3分鐘到達天星碼頭。
  •  You could go to the Hong Kong Clock Town with 1  minute , from the Star Ferry Pier.

  • 從天星碼頭碼頭到尖沙咀鐘樓只需1分鐘。

Service hours 服務時間 
Prices 價錢

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Posted by Shirley Yeung and Yannie Leung 

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